Jimmy Chattin - I make better games.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

What I Learned - 3

What a busy week!  Facts and other cool things kept hitting me every day... Well, as I was reminded this week, "less talk and more rock"!

What I Learned - 7/28/13 to 8/3/13

    1. Specific concepts tend to stick around if they are the first ones drawn.
      1. Samwise; The Art of Blizzard Entertainment, pg. 138
    2. Talk can kill a game; "rock before [talk]".
      1. Brandon Boyer; Less Talk More Rock
    3. Remember: Video games are primarily an audiovisual form of communication and 'talk' is just noise under such a context.
      1. Brandon Boyer; Less Talk More Rock
    4. The national age of consent is 13 in Japan; this explains why young school-kids can find themselves in sexual or high-tension situations in Japanese media.
      1. mdrewltt; comment on The Evangelion Manga is Finally Over, and What a Ride It Was by Richard Eisenbeis
      2. Confirmed by Wikipedia; Ages of Consent in Asia
    5. (Not really for design, but interesting enough to share.)  Adults are those who've experienced "senseless pain with no hope of emotional justice and no power to make the situation better".
      1. Lawrence Sonntag; IGDaily Newsletter - Never Stop Mounting Friends, Multiplayer in Arkham Orgins
    6. There are levels of believable Sci Fi, each being unique and fairly easy to identify.  
      1. Shared by David Wessman; Grading SF for Realism
    7. If designing a game in Unity, youtuber StudicaNews makes tutorials that are thorough and easy to use.
      1. StudicaNews; Youtube, Unity 3D Part 1 User Interface and Game Objects
    8. Every game designer since forever has wanted to make a game where all things can be destroyed.
      1. Dave Georgeson; How EverQuest Next will be Forged by Players, Shaped by Minecraft

                                  Just a heads-up on the next post: designing contest visuals for Bungie and its new game, Destiny.

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