Jimmy Chattin - I make better games.

Monday, November 28, 2011

3 Bernard Perron - A Paneled Discussion

Building the Pyramid of Scary Games: Interactive Figures and Scare Tactics in the Survival Horror Genre

Note trends; they have what is important to one’s experience and good ones travel through time.

Capturing the Experience
·         The Gaming Apparatus (a staple of our Era of Gaming)
o   contextualization
§  number of gamers
§  locale
o   hardware specs
§  platform
§  support
o   tech specs
§  resolution
§  sound
o   intervention
§  interface
·         Formal Characteristics
o   dimensionality
o   point of view
o   perspective
o   ...
·         3) Video-ludic Treatment of Horror (parameters that modulate the gamer's experience)
o   difficulty
o   “antagonization curve”
o   saving system
o   player character
§  genre
§  number of players
§  characterizations
-          inferior
-          ordinary
-          superior
-          supernatural
o   parameters setting the stage for video-ludic horror
§  general tone
-          parodic (making fun of itself)
-          horrific
-          terrifying
§  origin of fictional setting
§  horrific scenery
§  monsters
·         Categories of Fright
o   NA
·         Main Mechanisms of the Horror Game
o   NA

Intervention Mode
·         Indirect - point and click (do something not tied to actual action)
·         Symbolic direct - symbolic actions (controller; doing something like the action)
·         Mimetic direct - mimetic actions (kinetic, Wii; doing the actions)

In survival horror the player progresses alone in a strange universe; shadows shroud the presence of strange creatures.

·         Ludi Cine – a database of horror.
·         Pyramid of Horror – a stark look at how fear is instilled in the player through gameplay elements.

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