Jimmy Chattin - I make better games.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

4 Chris Pruett - What Makes Horror

Eye of Newt, Toe of Frog: Key Ingredients of Successful Horror Games

Theory: Horror games elicit emotion
·         Look at mechanics that can be used elsewhere to make emotion other than fear.
·         What makes horror games scary?

Common Traits of Scare
·         Vulnerable protagonist
o   Could be ordinary or inferior
o   Antagonists make short work of characters
o   Characters feel "real"
·         Information does not make sense
o   Clues surround imagination space
§  Clues come through narrative
o   Misinformation leads to twists in plot
o   Culture shock leads to preconceived notions of how things work that don't work
·         Level Design
o   Pattern of decent
§  Once dropping down, can't return (e.g. holes)
o   Recursion - passing through the same place, but the place changes through time
§  Recursion is not used much in Western games (more linear)
·         Cinematography / sound design
o   Control how the player sees the world
§  Cameras build tension and force shock
§  See "Fatal Frame 2"
o   Sounds build tension and leaves clues to the world
§  Sound may be more important than the visuals (see "Silent Hill" "Dead Sapce")
·         Difficulty
o   Common to all horror games
o   Running out of consumables (ammo, health, saves)

·         A horror game is scary if it makes you feel you are not in control
·         Instill no confidence to resolve the current situation
o   Vulnerable protagonists - you can't go in and protect the character
o   Confusion - you don't feel grounded in a concrete set of rules
o   Descent - removing you from a place that is safe; narrowing of options
o   Recursion - understanding a place then having that place change removes confidence
o   Cinema - no single character is known as the protagonists until the end
§  e.g. Alien
o   Difficulty - unique to games
§  Makes or breaks a good horror games
·         The body reacts to sex and aggression identically
·         Stimulus - perception:
o   To stimulus to general autonomic arousal to particular emotion experienced to interpretation
o   To context to particular emotion experienced to interpretation
·         A hard game gives stimulus to increase personal physical state w/o context
§  Scary monsters, places, etc. can be mislabeled as fear because of difficulty

·         Dead Space
-      not a lot of descent and recursion
-      protagonist is a "bad ass"
-      difficulty is not inherent
+     sound and cinema

·         Alan Wake
-      strong protagonist (the gun)
-      not put under pressure
+     lots of negative space

·         Dream 2
-      only one spot to go to
-      no physical elevation change
-      flat journey
-      confusing story for being a confusing story
-      lack of clues forming a negative space
-      fights are not hard

·         Clocktower 3
-      character cannot easily die
-      very little difficulty
-      bosses have nothing to do with the game
-      story is nonsensical
+     vulnerable protagonist
+     plenty of recursion

·         Call of Cthulhu
-      core mechanics are broken
-      cannot select things due to camera
+     early game is hard

·         X-Files
-      squandered license
-      did not tie together aspects of copied horror games
+     fixed cameras
+     limited inventory

·         Cold Fear
-      mechanics are broken
-      ammo loss halts progress
-      saves are random and not on demand
+     structured plot

·         Obscure 2
-      characters are unbelievable
-      offensive game script
+     good art and cinema
+     innovative 2 player mode

·         The Ring

Play These:
·         Silent Hill Shattered Memories
·         Siren
·         Hellnight

Answers to Questions
·         Play with a friend to overcome too much fear and increase fun output when gaming.
·         Pick a game that works for you if you find it hard to play horror games.
o   e.g. don't pick zombies if you're super scared of zombies

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