Jimmy Chattin - I make better games.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Chris Totten - How to Zombie

Necroludology: Discovering How to Make Zombies Scary Again

Zombies are a symptom of lazy game creation?
Too cliche?

Game Zombies Fail At:
·         first enemy fought in a horror game
o   They are horror components, thus do not guarantee a horror game
o   They are "Goombas" of games - easy cannon fodder
·         Power fantasies
o   masculine stress reliever to the point of silliness

Principles of a Zombie
·         Zombie as:
o   a personal antagonist
o   a natural disaster
o   a definer of space
o   a time limit
o   an effect on mental health

History of Zombies
·         Voodoo Zombies
o   Sorcerer will curse person to die, then take buried body as a slave without a soul
·         The word "Zombie"
o   Walking corpse creature - see “revenants” below
o   Spirit of a dead person
o   Ghosts and walking corpses
·         Ancient times
o   Goddess Ishtar threatens to have the dead consume the living
o   Revelations has the dead rise and terrify the living
·         Revenants
o   Common N. European legends
o   Corpse reanimated by spirits or by body's own will
o   Come back often for revenge or terror on the living
·         Draugr
o   Found in Scandinavian sagas
o   Guard barrows, often their own graves, filled with treasure
o   Can kill people and turn them into draugrs
o   Much like the modern zombie infection
·         Ghul or Ghoul
o   Middle Eastern legend
o   Sucks blood
o   Shape shifts into who they most recently ate
·         Jiang shi
o   Sleeps in coffins
o   Drains life force
o   Hops after victims
o   Greatly resembles vampires

·         Frankenstein - science created revenant
·         Herber West-Reanimator - hoard of animalistic zombies
·         I Am Legend - viral outbreak of blood-sucking vampires
·         Night of the Living Dead - establishing walking corpses that eat humans to create more zombies

Personal Antagonist
·         e.g. The Walking Dead
o   Loved ones are what change
o   A progressive turning of a main character
·         e.g. The Keeper's Diary
o   Findable journals
o   Audience fills in the blanks
All problems are too big.  It is easy to imagine a zombie in the street, not a financial meltdown.
Watching a person turn without ever seeing them as the evil they become.

Natural Disaster
·         Dispel myths about zombie apocalypse
o   Don't be a hero - protagonists are not more powerful than zombies
o   Zombies aren't evil - no room for negotiation or rational thought; the Freudian ID
·         "A Weather System"
o   Zombie herds move as a system (The Walking Dead; World War Z)

Definers of Space
·         The shrinking fortress
o   zombies boarder a space
o   invasion reduces the space
o   Defining where the hero can go
o   *narrow space
§  confined, unable to move, choke points
o   **intimate space
§  can reach where things are by inherent abilities
o   prospect space
§  wide open space of exposer, lack of cover
·         * Farmhouses are stocked and homely.  But vulnerable with zombies outside.
·         ** Malls are wide with all stores open.  Invasion turns familiar shops into a perversion of spaces.
Let them become alternative architecture.
Let them herd the player into where you wish them to go.

Time Limit
§  Time is drama
§  Moaning will cause a domino moaning effect, with each zombie going toward the last moan
o   closer and closer the distance shrinks the longer the effect continues
§  Sound as a definer of how much time before being overwhelmed

Mental Health
§  Abjection
o   something that is normally appropriate, but is now perverse
o   a dead body moving around
o   a once living body not moving and cold
o   a loved one zombified to eat you alive

§  Reaction to Apocalypse
o   uselessness
o   crazy
o   imitation of zombie
o   despair
Understand the parts of being a zombie for the best zombie possible!

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